The following examples show the various FTP commands generated by combinations of parameters to AVMPUSH.
Assume the following:
Dataset CP.ZVM.DATA contains data created by Acquire for z/VM system ZVM001 from MONITOR data
System ZVM001 was assigned target number 10037 in the Acquire parameters
The first interval in the file started at 00:00:05 on 02APR10
With no JCL PARM (which defaults to ‘Y,Y,Y’) the following FTP commands will be generated:
mkdir tgt00010037.push
cd tgt00010037.push
put ‘CP.ZVM.DATA’ +
cd ..
rename tgt00010037.push tgt00010037.ready
Note that these commands create a directory with a suffix of .push, copies the data then renames the directory to .ready. This ensures data has been copied in full before making it available to Control Center.
With a JCL PARM of ‘N,Y’ the following FTP commands will be generated:
put ‘CP.ZVM.DATA’ +
rename p20100402000005_aszv00010037.1010 20100402000005_aszv00010037.1010
Note in this instance no directory is created and it is assumed the user will set a directory location in the commands provided to FTP prior to concatenating the ones generated here.
Again, the file is copied to a temporary name and renamed to fit Control Center’s requirements afterwards.
In one-step mode all the commands generated by AVMPUSH are inserted at the location in the FTP commands replace where the !push string is found in the //ACQFTP file.
With a JCL PARM of ‘N,Y,N’ and with input data was from Velocity Software’s product, the following FTP commands will be generated:
rename p20100402000005_aszy00010037.1010 20100402000005_aszy00010037.1010
Note the changed output file name (aszy instead of aszv) in this instance no directory is created and it is assumed the user will set a directory location in the commands provided to FTP prior to concatenating the ones generated here.
Again, the file is copied to a temporary name and renamed to fit Control Center’s requirements afterwards, but is referenced in the AVMPUSH JCL by a DDNAME of //AVMDATA instead of a dataset name.