Historically, in order for Acquire to interpret the CICS type 110 Transaction Detail records, needed access to the CICS Dictionary record that describes the Type 110 mapping. The Dictionary record, a Type 110 subtype 1 record but with a different class identifier, is normally written only when the CICS system is initialized. Therefore, there may not be such a record in the SMF dataset being processed, and appropriate records had to be captured, stored and presented to Acquire ahead of it reading transaction data.
Acquire can now accurately and dynamically map CICS transactions without recourse to any CICS dictionary records. This facility is available for supported CICS/TS versions as per the Release Note for Acquire. This facility is the default and may be explicitly specified by using a control card of CICSDICT=A for automatic processing. Parameters of CICSDICT=Y and CICSDICT=N remain available for compatibility reasons.