Messages from Acquire/DASD - syncsort_capacity_management - 12.60

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide
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Acquire/DASD can write these messages to the console:

AZD000I Acquire/DASD monitor Vvv.rr (ddmmyy) started

This message indicates the version and build date of Acquire/DASD.

AZD001I INT=<i> SMF=<n> LEVEL=<l> MODE=<m> DSG=<d>

This message confirms the parameters in effect for this run of Acquire/DASD. It is continued in message AZD101I.

<i> is the collection interval length

<n> is the SMF record number

<l> is the recording level

<m> is the execution mode

<d> is the number of dataset groups

AZD002W Operator command not recognized and ignored

An operator command was directed to Acquire/DASD that was not recognized and has been ignored.

AZD003E Collection time exceeded INTERVAL, aborting

The time taken to process data from a snapshot has exceeded the interval time specified by the user. This could be because there the Acquire/DASD is running with a very low priority in a very busy machine. The task will stop.

AZD004E Parameter card in error: <card>

A parameter card has been provided but either cannot be recognized or has a syntax error. If a syntax error has occurred the reason will be detailed in message AZD021E.

AZD005W Error in VOL parameter(s), all ignored

A VOL= parameter card has been provided but is invalid – possibly due to a volume serial greater than 6 characters or unbalanced parentheses.

AZD006W Volume table full, additional cards ignored

More than 20 VOL= parameter cards have been provided – Contact Precisely Support for assistance.

AZD007E More than 512 Storage Groups, aborting

More than 512 Storage Groups have been detected in this system – Contact Precisely Support for assistance.

AZD008W No //DEBUG DDNAME in JCL, debug is set off

The DEBUG operator command has been received but no //DEBUG DD is present in the JCL – the request cannot be processed.

AZD009E ACQDMON must run APF-authorized

Acquire/DASD in Cyclic mode requires APF authorization to issue use the z/OS system facilities it needs to generate data and pass records directly into SMF. Review your installation and check it matches with the documentation in this section.

AZD010E SMFWTM RC=xxx - aborting

Acquire/DASD issued the SMFWTM macro to write an SMF record but the return code was not zero. Acquire/DASD will abort. Check the return code from this mes­sage in the appropriate z/OS SMF Guide manual, and if necessary, contact Precisely Support for assistance.

AZD011W DCOLLECT return code was greater than 8

Acquire/DASD called DCOLLECT to capture disk occupancy data, but the return code was greater than 8, signifying a serious error. The data for this interval will be missing.

AZD012I <x> requested

Acquire/DASD has received a command of <x>.

AZD013A Task already running. R nn,Y to retry, N to terminate

Acquire/DASD has detected that it is already running. It does this by testing for an ENQ using a QNAME of ACQDMON and an RNAME of the version (e.g., V09.10).

You must either stop the other copy by issuing a STOP or CANCEL command, then reply “Y” to this WTOR, or reply “N” which will stop this task from running.

AZD015W Setting POLL=xxxxx to avoid S522 abends

The POLL= control card was either set higher than the current system’s SMF timeout interval, or using POLL=SMF resulted in a value that was higher than the value provided on the INT= parameter. ACQDMON has altered the POLL= parameter to the value shown.

AZD016E POLL= is greater than INT=

The POLL= control card was set higher than INT= value. The program will terminate. Review and correct your control cards.

AZD017E DSN= parameter but no DSG=

A DSN= control card was provided before a DSG= control card. The program will terminate. Review and correct your control cards.

AZD018E DEBUG must be on to use this INT=

An interval of less than 30 minutes was requested, but this is only available when running in DEBUG mode.

AZD019E Correct parameter errors and re-run

There were errors in the parameters for Acquire/DASD. Review any previous messages and correct your control cards, then re-run the job/started task.

AZD020I <action> in progress

A MODIFY ACQDMON,RELOAD or RELOADC command has been received which will make Acquire/DASD restart itself. The only difference between the two commands is that RELOADC will close and re-open the DEBUG file if that is in use whereas RELOAD will leave it open.

AZD021E Reason: <reason>

The previous message (AZD004E) will have printed a parameter card that was in error. This message gives the reason why:


A DSN= card had a dataset name longer than 44 characters


A DSN= card had a start position with more than 2 digits


A DSN= card had a start position with a value of more 44


A DSN= card had a start position and a string length that added up to more than 44


A number was expected but the value found was invalid.

AZD022E <parm> already supplied

A control card of <parm> has been read that has already been processed. Only supply one per run. Acquire/DASD will stop with return code 8.

AZD023E DSGREM= but no DSG= cards

A DSGREM= control card has been read but no DSG= / DSN= cards were sup­plied. You cannot have a “remainder only” group and no others. Acquire/DASD will stop with return code 8.

AZD024E DSG=*HLQ in use, no more DSG= cards allowed

A DSG=*HLQ control card has been read and no other DSG= cards are permitted. Acquire/DASD will stop with return code 8.

AZD025W DSGREM= is ignored with DSG=*HLQ

A DSGREM= control card has been read but DSG=*HLQ has been set, so you cannot have a remainder group. Acquire/DASD will stop with return code 8.

AZD027W Type <nnn> SMF records are not being recorded by SMF

Meaning: SMF record type <nnn> is not being recorded by z/OS so Acquire/DASD will not be able to function.  This message is issued once, the first time that this condition is detected.

The program will continue to run and check to see if a record of type <nnn> could be written every time the actual data collection is scheduled. This means that if the record type is added to the list of those able to be written through a z/OS operator command such as SETSMF or SET SMF=xx then Acquire/DASD will begin to capture data disk space to SMF at the next capture interval.

If the record type is subsequently removed again, a further message AZD027W will be issued, and the program will continue to check at each data capture inter­val as before.

AZD028W SMF is not currently active

Meaning: SMF is not currently active so no data can be recorded.

This message is issued once, the first time that this condition is detected.

The program will continue to run and check to see if SMF is active, every time the actual data collection is scheduled. Acquire/DASD will begin to capture data disk space to SMF if the condition changes, at the next capture interval.

If SMF subsequently becomes unavailable again, a further message AZD028W will be issued, and the program will continue to check before attempting to write records at each data capture interval as before.

AZD050E xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

Meaning: The input data provided in the ACQDWK03 file does not appear to be IDCAMS DCOLLECT data.

AZD050E    c c c c    c c c c    c c c c    c c c c    c c c c

Meaning: The first 20 bytes of the record are printed in hex and character.

AZD050E Incorrect input data detected - aborting

Meaning: Acquire/DASD expects the DCUVERS field (in the IDCDOUT mapping macro) to be x'0001' or x'0002'. If not, the program will abend U0911 and dump. Check that the input file contains data generated by IDCAMS using the DCOL­LECT command, and correct it if it does not. If you consider that it is correct, raise a ticket with Support and provide the job log and a full SYSABEND dump.

AZD101I SID=<s> POLL=<p>

This message is a continuation of AZD001I and confirms some more parameters in effect for this run of Acquire/DASD:

  • <s> is the SMF ID that will be set for records written by Acquire/DASD, based on the SETSID control card. Values are R (the default) meaning “the SMF ID of the running system”, D meaning “the SMF ID of the data the DCOLLECT system came from” and *SSSS if the user chose to force the use of a specific SMF ID.

  • <p> is the polling interval. POLL= will only be displayed if running in cyclic-mode.

AZD998I SMF <r> recs, Disks <d> SGs <s>, DSGs <g>

A run of Acquire/DASD in single-shot mode has completed. This message shows that <r> SMF records were written, covering <d> disks and <s> SMS Storage Groups, along with <g> dataset groups.

AZD999I Acquire/DASD is shut down

The final message from Acquire/DASD written as it completes its activities.