Carry out the following steps to create the Acquire program library and link-edit the Acquire programs into it.
Allocate a sequential dataset on the mainframe to hold the uploaded copy of the issued object code. Allocate it as follows:
Data Set Name
Space Units
Primary Quantity
Secondary Quantity
Directory Blocks
Record Format
Record Length
Block Size
8000 (or any other convenient block size).
Using FTP or similar, upload file OBJLIB.XMI into the file you have just created. You must transmit the file as BINARY data.
Using TSO option 6 issue the command RECEIVE INDS(<filename>) using the name of the file you have created and uploaded the object code into.
You will be presented with messages similar to these:
INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +
You may accept the name to be used by pressing Enter, or change it by entering :
DA(<your dataset name>)
The object library will then be restored, ready for link-editing. If you browse it you should see members named including ACQUIRE.
Edit the member LINKEDIT in the JCL library, so that the dataset names etc. are in accordance with your site naming conventions. Particularly check the input object and destination load library names match what you intend to use.
Note that several modules are link edited with AC(1) to allow them to have APF-authorization. ACQDASD, given certain input parameters it does not actually need APF authorization to work, unless it is instructed to invoke IDCAMS directly. Refer to the Introduction to Acquire/DASD for more details. ACQUIRE also does not need to be APF-authorized if run stand-alone. If it is invoked through the ACQES1 program it must be, because the CPEDBAMS program is, and therefore all load modules it calls need to be.
Run the LINKEDIT job. The Acquire programs will be linked, and written to a new file (HLQ).AZDvvvv.LOADLIB. Check that the job ends with COND CODE = 0000. If so, dataset (HLQ).ACQUIRE.OBJLIB.XMI is no longer needed and can be deleted. The load library should contain the programs ACQUIRE, ACQDMON, ACQES1, ACQES1DB, and ACQPUSH.
Optionally edit USERGBL or USERGBL2 members and submit the ASMGBL JCLLIB member to change global options you want to always use in Acquire. See Changing Acquire parameter defaults for details.