RMF, SMF record types and other sources of data for Acquire - syncsort_capacity_management - 12.60

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide
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Acquire reads data from dumped SMF datasets. The following SMF record types should be present to make useful data for Syncsort™ Capacity Management:

  • Type 70 subtype 1

  • Type 72 subtype 3

  • Type 74 subtype 1

The following record types (and extensions) are optional, but if they are absent, the output data will lack some features:
  • SMF type 30 subtypes 1 through 6 (Job/STC/TSU details)

  • RMF type 71 (Central and Expanded Storage use)

  • RMF type 73 (Channel path use)

  • RMF type 74 subtype 4 (Coupling Facility use)

  • RMF type 75 (Page datasets)

  • RMF type 78 (Channel-to-Controller connection mapping and HiperPAV data)

  • DB2 type 100 subtype 0 and type 101 subtype 0 records (system and accounting data)

  • CICS type 110 subtype 1 (transaction and possibly data dictionary records)

  • SMF type 113 subtype 1 (HIS interval data from z/OS v2.1 or later)

  • MQ Series type 115 subtypes 1, 2 and 215

  • Websphere type 120 subtypes 3, 6 and 8

  • Acquire/DASD - type selected by the user, default is 188

Interval Accounting records from SMF type 30 subtypes 2 and 3 will improve the accuracy of some aspects of a Syncsort™ Capacity Management Planner model, but their absence will not materially affect the way a model can be built, nor the system-wide performance reporting that is possible.

The presence of the EXCP Detail extension in the Type 30 records will considerably improve a Planner model as it provides maximum detail about which disks were accessed by which workload components during a modeling window. Planner can build models without this data, but the I/O assignment will be largely defaulted.

BMC Corporation’s CMF MONITOR product produces identical format SMF type 70 - 79 records to IBM’s RMF product. Acquire has been tested and proven to work correctly with this data.

Acquire can also process data from The Monitor for CICS (TMON/CICS) type “TA” records when provided on the //TMONCICS DD in the Acquire JCL.