Acquire has the ability to handle data of many systems in one pass (technically up to 1023). If you are doing this you have the following options for handling the Acquire output data:
Write out individual files to USS - they will have their Target Number embedded in the file name. This makes them immediately available for collection by Control Center.
Write the data for all the target systems to a single z/OS output file
For example, if an SMF dataset contains data for systems with SMF IDs IPO1 ABC4 and XYYZ, then to the following control cards can be used to capture data from all three:
Acquire will read the parameters, take note of the multiple target numbers, then read the SMF data and arrange the output to be written to USS in separate files with names similar to:
The target numbers need to be defined in System Manager to represent the three systems, and the correct TARGET=ssss=nnnnnnnnn parameters added to Acquire. Assuming that has been done, then the data could be picked up and updated into the Capacity Database completely automatically by getting Acquire to write data to separate files in a USS file system. The suffix number (the vvvv in the examples above) is completely arbitrary, and is set by Acquire to its version number e.g., 1030, simply to help note the version of software that created it. Any valid even number is acceptable to Control Center. Do not use an odd numbered suffix value like .1 or .101. This has special significance to Control Center, and will prevent data from processing correctly.