The output dataset (specified by the ATHDATA DD statement or written to the USSPATH= location) contains multiple sets of data, one for each measurement interval that matches the parameter specifications for each system matching a TARGET= parameter, in date and time order. If you use the //ATHDATA output you are responsible for transferring the dataset to the workstation holding Syncsort™ Capacity Management, and giving it a name in accordance with the naming conventions described in Output file names and controls.
You must write the ATHDATA file to disk. If you do not, Acquire will end with a return code of 8 after printing message AZS189E. You cannot use compression with it as it must be opened and updated in place at the end of the run. Doing so would result in a z/OS issuing an S213-C8 abend. To avoid this Acquire checks to see if ATHDATA is eligible for compression and will abort with message AZS189E and return code 8 if so.
JCL and parameters when using DYNAGDG= in a COLLECT run
Sample jobs DYNACOL1 and DYNACOL2 show how to use the DYNAGDG= parameter card and the //LASTGDG dataset. Also read the The DYNAGDG= and DYNADSN= facilities.
Do not have a //SMFDATA DD statement in your JCL when you use the DYNAGDG= facility.