Messages from ACQPUSH - syncsort_capacity_management - 12.60

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide
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AZP000I ACQPUSH Vvv.rr.m (ddmmyy)- generate data copy commands

Meaning: Header line showing the version and build date of ACQPUSH

AZP002I Only data from a single target is anticipated

AZP002I Data from multiple targets may be in this file

AZP002I Switching to MULTIZOS is permitted

AZP002I Switching to MULTIZOS is not permitted

AZP002I Files will be named for gate-keeping

AZP002I Files will not be named for gate-keeping

AZP002I A tgtNNNNNNNN.ready directory will be created

AZP002I NO "ready" directory will be not created

AZP002I An FTP quit command will be written

AZP002I No FTP quit command will be written

AZP002I An FTP "put <dsn>" command will be written

AZP002I An FTP "put //DD:ATHDATA" command will be written

Meaning: Parameters in effect for this run for ACQPUSH are displayed—only one of each "will" / "will not" pair will be printed.

AZP003I //ATHDATA dataset name is <dsn>

Meaning: The dataset allocated to the //ATHDATA file is printed.

AZP004I <mmm>/<sid> Acquire <vvv> on <ddd> at <tim> target <ttt>

Meaning: The dataset allocated to the //ATHDATA file contains information gathered by Acquire for z/OS version <vvv> on a machine-model of <mmm> with an SMF ID of <sid>. Acquire started to run at <tim> or date <ddd>. The first (or only) target number in the file is <ttt>.

AZP005I copy-to name is <name>

Meaning: The name of the file that will initially be created from the dataset named in the preceding AZP003I message is <name>

AZP006I rename <rname>

Meaning: The name of the initially copied file will be renamed to <rname>

AZP007W Line <number> needs MULTIZOS, <reason>

Meaning: At the line number listed either a new target was detected or Acquire/DASD data was found. The reason will be detailed in <reason> and the output file name needs to be changed to "MULTIZOS". This may subsequently fail if ALLOWMULTI=N is in effect.

AZP009E EOF on //ATHDATA before 3 records read

Meaning: Fewer than 3 data records were read from //ATHDATA (excluding records with an ID of less than 100). ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.

AZP010E Invalid date in 0102 record, ending

Meaning: The 0102 record contained a date that could not be recognized. This is probably an Acquire error and unless an obvious error (a file not from Acquire, for example), should be reported to Precisely Support. ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.

AZP011E Data must be from Acquire v8 or later

Meaning: The data in the //ATHDATA file appears to be from a version of Acquire too old for ACQPUSH to handle. ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.

AZP012I Direct invocation of FTP will be attempted

Meaning: The DDNAMES for direct invocation of FTP were found to be present, so ACQPUSH will attempt to invoke FTP.

AZP013I No !PUSH line found in //ACQFTP, aborting

Meaning: The //ACQFTP parameter file did not contain a line of !PUSH to indicate where the commands ACQPUSH generates were to be inserted. ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.

AZP014I Reading parameters:

Meaning: Parameters for this run are about to be processed.

AZP015I End of parameters. Options in effect are:

Meaning: Confirmation all parameters have been read.

AZP016E Parameter is invalid

Meaning: The parameter printed on the previous line is incorrect. Review ACQPUSH to see allowable values for this parameter.

AZP017E Parameter is unknown

Meaning: The parameter printed on the previous line is not recognized. Review ACQPUSH to see parameters that are supported.

AZP019E MULTIZOS needed but ALLOWMULTI=N was set

Meaning: ACQPUSH has found data for more than one target and needs to change the output file name to use. The option to allow this was denied by the user, so the job will fail with RC=8.

AZP020E ALLOWMULTI=N conflicts with MULTI=Y

Meaning: ACQPUSH has found data for more than one target and needs to change the output file name to use the "MULTIZOS" naming convention, but the parameter ALLOWMULTI=N is in effect, so it cannot. ACQPUSH will end with RC=16.

AZP021W Use of UCOPY is requested so:  

Meaning: ACQPUSH has been requested to generate command(s) for use with the UCOPY and certain other parameters cannot be used, and these are listed in the next lines of the report.

AZP022I  USEDSN= and QUIT= are ignored

Meaning: ACQPUSH will ignore these parameters because it is generating commands for the UCOPY.

AZP023I  ALLOWMULTI=N is enforced

Meaning: ACQPUSH has set this parameter because gate-keeping of file names is requested and use of the "MULTIZOS" facility is not permitted in this situation.

AZP024I End of options in effect

Meaning: All the options in effect for this run are now detailed.

AZP026I Commands written out follow:




Meaning: The commands written by ACQPUSH will follow between the dotted lines.

AZP030E GATEKEEPER=Y conflicts with MULTI=Y

Meaning: The parameter GATEKEEPER=Y cannot be used with MULTI=Y. ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.


Meaning: The parameter KEEPDARK=Y cannot be used with MAKEREADY=Y. ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.

AZP033E //ATHDATA appears the same as the last run

Meaning: The parameter CHECKLAST=Y is in effect and has detected that the data in the //ATHDATA file appears to have the same data type, target number and start date/time as the previous run as recorded in the //LASTDATA file. To avoid trying to re-send this data ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.

AZP034E tttttt nnnnnnnn ddMMMyy hh:mm:ss ddMMMyy hh:mm:ss

Meaning: Data has failed CHECKLAST testing, and the information shown is the data type, target number and first interval start/end date and time from the //ATH­DATA file. tttttt is either SYSTEM or DASD, nnnnnnnn shows the target number followed by first interval start and end date/time information.  If the data type is DASD then no end date/time is printed.

AZP035I ATHDATA is different to last run

Meaning: CHECKLAST=Y was set as an option. This message confirms that the //ATHDATA file seems to contain different data to the what was stored in the //LASTDATA file. The run continues.


Meaning: The parameter CHECKLAST=Y was set but there is no //LASTDATA file in this step's JCL. ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.

AZP037E No !Z! !W! or !T! strings found in commands

Meaning: The parameter SPLIT=Y was set and commands for editing were provided but no editable markers were found. ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.

AZP039E Duplicates of this parameter are not allowed

Meaning: A parameter that has already been seen and processed is repeated - this is not allowed. ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.

AZP040I Options in effect

Meaning: All parameters have been processed and validated, and what follows is all the options that are in effect for this run, whether they were explicitly provide nor not.

AZP041I Most non-SPLIT options will be ignored

Meaning: SPLIT=Y is in effect so most other parameters are not honored, even if explicitly provided. The option CHECKLAST=Y is honored if specified and a //LASTDATA file is present in JCL.

AZP042E SPLIT=Y but no SPLITFPX= has been provided

Meaning: SPLIT=Y is in effect, but no dataset prefix was provided in a SPLIT­PFX= parameter. ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.

AZP043E SPLITPFX= value must be from 1 to 30 characters.

Meaning: The SPLITPFX= parameter must be from 1 to a maximum of 30 characters long to allow for a 14-character suffix to be added later. ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.

AZP044E SPLIT=Y but no editable commands were provided

Meaning: SPLIT=Y is in effect but no CMDS=BODY was provided along with one or more editable commands containing !Z!, !W! or !T! markers for replacement. Acquire will terminate with RC=8.

AZP050I Split DSN space allocation CYLS(ppppp,sssss)

Meaning: SPLIT=Y is in effect and the size of the dynamically allocated files into which the //ATHDATA file will be split are going to be allocated with the space in cylinders as shown, ppppp is the primary allocation and sssss is the secondary allocation.

AZP051E DYNALLOC ERROR: R15=rc ERR=eeee INF=iiii REAS=rrrrrrrr

Meaning: Dynamic allocation of a dataset has failed with the return from register 15 of rc, an error code of eeee, an information code of iiii and a reason code of rrrrrrrr.  Review the message and if necessary check the z/OS manuals library to determine how to diagnose and fix this issue. Acquire will terminate with RC=8.

AZP051E DSN=datasetname

Meaning: Dynamic allocation of this dataset has failed with the errors as shown in the preceding AZP051E message. Acquire will terminate with RC=8.


Meaning: This is a header for the information that follows in AZP053I messages.

AZP053I fff xxxxxx tttttttt hhhhhhhh iiiiiiiiiiiii nnnnnnn  mmmm.mmm

Meaning: This is information about a split dataset and its contents:
fff is the file number 
xxxxxx is the data type (SYSTEM or DASD) 
tttttttt is the target number   
hhhhhhhh is the date/time of the start of the first interval of data 
iiiiiiiiiiiii is the SPLIT dataset suffix (the target and date tokens and the time)   
nnnnnnnn is the number of records written   
mmmm.mmm is the amount of data written in MB

AZP054W Delete commands cannot be written, no //DELFILE

Meaning: SPLITDEL=Y was requested but a //DELFILE DD is missing from this step's JCL so 'DELETE' commands cannot be written. Processing will continue but ACQPUSH will end with a return code of 4.

AZP055I No previous split datasets found to delete

Meaning: SPLITCLEAN=Y was requested but no datasets were found in the catalog that matched the names that would be generated.

AZP056I Deleted VOL/DSN volser datasetname

Meaning: SPLITCLEAN=Y was requested and this dataset was located and deleted.

AZP057W RC=xxxx deleting VOL/DSN volser datasetname

Meaning: SPLITCLEAN=Y was requested and this dataset was located and set to be deleted but the operation returned a code of xxxx. The dataset may still exist. Processing continues but an attempt to allocate a duplicate dataset name will likely fail this job step.

AZP058E Load of IGGCSI00 failed, RC=rrrrrrrr RSN=ssssssss

Meaning: SPLITCLEAN=Y was requested but this return code and reason code was given when trying to load the IBM catalog management routine IGGCSI00. Datasets will not be deleted. Processing continues but an attempt to allocate a duplicate dataset name will likely fail this job step. The return code is the abend code that would have been issued and the reason code is related to that abend code. Look up the details in the IBM manual z/OS MVS System Codes.

AZP059E Error from module=xx RC=yy RSN=zz

Meaning: SPLITCLEAN=Y was requested but this module suffix, return code and reason code was given by the IBM catalog management routine IGGCSI00. Datasets will not be deleted. Processing continues but an attempt to allocate a duplicate dataset name will likely fail this job step. Look up the details in the IBM manual z/OS DFSMS Managing Catalogs.

AZP097E PARM= is no longer supported, use //PARMDATA

Meaning: The use of a JCL PARM= to direct ACQPUSH is no longer supported. You must use the //PARMDATA file with parameters as described in ACQPUSH. ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.

AZP098E Errors in parameters - run is abandoned

Meaning: Parameter validation failed and ACQPUSH will terminate with RC=8.

AZP099I ACQPUSH has ended

Meaning: ACQPUSH has ended.

AZP100I Completing FTP command creation

Meaning: The commands for direct invocation of FTP are being completed and then FTP will be invoked.

AZP101I Invoking FTP...

Meaning: The FTP program is now being called.

AZP102I FTP return code was <rc>, FTP messages follow

Meaning: The FTP program finished with a return code of <rc>, and messages from it will now be printed. If the data copy failed, review these messages for why this may be the case.