By default, the user account associated with the Acquire service is used to connect through WMI to other Windows systems. If this is not what is needed, or if there are multiple untrusting domains Acquire running will not be able to capture data from targets through WMI.
Acquire can be provided with user accounts (with appropriate permissions) to access WMI
data on the remote targets. You can define these additional user accounts per domain by
using the Acquire Accounts utility.
Figure 1. Dialog for specifying WMI Connection details
- Enter the domain name in which the target resides. You must also set the same domain name to each appropriate Target definition in System Manager so Acquire can know which of multiple credentials to use.
- Enter the user name and the password of the account that Acquire can use to access the WMI data on the separate domain.
- Click OK to close the dialog and save the account details.