- Select Oracle Database from the list of Account Types and either click the
Add icon or select the Add option from the Account menu.Figure 1. Dialog for specifying Oracle Database Account details
- Enter the eight-digit Target Number for this Oracle target. When data is
captured, this number will be embedded in the name of the output data files. If you
have not yet defined this Oracle target to System Manager, you must:
Choose an 8-digit target number that is unique within the database
Use that number when you later define this Oracle target to System Manager.
- Enter the User name and the Password of the Oracle account that Acquire can use to access the database.
- Click OK to close the dialog and save the account details.
Once you have created the account details, you can update them by either double-clicking on the account to be modified or by highlighting the account and selecting Edit from the Account menu. When editing an account, you cannot change the Target Number. You can only change the username and password details.
You can delete accounts that are no longer required by highlighting the account and pressing the Delete key or selecting Delete from the Account menu.