Alternatively, you can perform a silent uninstall to remove Acquire from the Windows system without the need for screen interaction.
- On the Start menu, locate Command Prompt (cmd), then right-click and choose Run as administrator.
- Key in:
msiexec /x <msipath>\acquire.msi /passive /quiet /qn /l* <logpath>\AcquireUninstall.log
where <msipath> and <logpath> are the same as for the silent install.
Note:Silent uninstall of individual features is not supported
If the MSI used is not the currently installed one, it will fail
If you want to silently uninstall an Acquire but you do not have the original MSI you can try this command in an elevated command prompt:
wmic product where name="Athene Acquire" call uninstall /nointeractive
If you uninstall Acquire then re-install it, and you have previously captured data, all that data will remain in the Athene Acquire\APMout directory, but capture will not restart.
There will also be an APMconfg.last.txt file in the Athene Acquire\APMIn directory, holding the last good Capture Profile the Acquire processed.
When you have reinstalled the Acquire you can rename this file to APMconfg.txt (that is, remove the “last.” part) and Acquire will reprocess the capture profile information and resume data capture. This manually emulates what hitting the “Resend” button for the Capture Profile in System Manager does.