Key in:
msiexec /i <msipath>\acquire.msi SERVICEUSER="no" SERVICEACC="<domain\user>" SERVICEPASSWORD="<password>" SHAREACC="<domain\user>" /qn /l* <logpath>\AcquireInstall.log
SERVICEUSER has to be no, in order to signal that the account under which Acquire will run is something other than LocalSystem (the default).
SERVICEACC is the user domain account that the Acquire service will run as.
SERVICEPASSWORD is the password of the service This password is clear text.
SHAREACC is the user domain account for the share account; that is, the user account that Control Center can use to connect to the ATHENE$ share, which will be created on the Acquire data directory. Note that if you do not specify the SHAREACC parameter, the ATHENE$ share will not be created.