Normally you would not need to edit or manage a file such as this.
The Syncsort™ Capacity Management Control Center sends down a properly formatted file to the Acquire on request.
Using the following sample file, data capture would run from 09:00 to 17:00 inclusive, Monday to Friday, at 1800 second (30-minute) intervals.
At 11:59 each Monday the job to delete transferred files would be run (transferred files are those that have been collected by the Syncsort™ Capacity Management Control Center and renamed with an “r” prefix on the VMS system). This job also deletes captured files (i.e., those that have not yet been collected and renamed).
The SetTransferredFileLifetime field describes how old in hours renamed files must be to be included for deletion (in this example 48 hours or 2 days). An entry of zero means never delete – This is not recommended for anything other than short-term usage. A setting of zero could potentially fill up your disk drive and stop your system.
The SetRetainedFileLifetime field describes how old in hours uncaptured files must be to be included for deletion (in this example 120 hours or 5 days). An entry of zero means never delete - THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN SHORT-TERM USAGE. A setting of zero could potentially fill up your disk drive and stop your system.
The SetTarget field in the IDataStorage section is important. This is a unique 8-digit number specific to this target system. All 8 characters should be used. Therfore, leading zeroes should be included where appropriate, e.g., “00340078”
AcquireVMS {
IScheduler {
AddJob "VMS" Monday 9 0 Monday 17 0 1800
AddJob "VMS" Tuesday 9 0 Tuesday 17 0 1800
AddJob "VMS" Wednesday 9 0 Wednesday 17 0 1800
AddJob "VMS" Thursday 9 0 Thursday 17 0 1800
AddJob "VMS" Friday 9 0 Friday 17 0 1800
AddJob Delete_Transferred_Files Monday 11 59 Monday 11 59 86400
IDataStorage {
SetTarget 00340078
SetTransferredFileLifetime 48
SetRetainedFileLifetime 120