If you did not start the Acquire when you ran APM_SETUP, you can issue the command:
The default location for the APM data files is the [.DATA] subdirectory of wherever you installed the product. If you have pre-defined logical name APMDATA to point to somewhere other than that default location, the APM_STARTUP procedure will honor that definition. If that logical name is undefined, it will set it to the default location. If you choose to place your data files somewhere other than the default location, define the logical name in SYLOGICALS.COM, or wherever else you normally define such names.
To ensure Acquire for VMS will be automatically started after a system reboot:
Add the @APM_STARTUP command near the end of your SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.Figure 1. VMS Acquire initiation with APM_STARTUP