Acquire for VMS is normally made available via the Support site. The software is shipped as a single PCSI file and is installed by the system manager using the PRODUCT INSTALL command. The list of files in the kit is given later.
The software is “cluster-aware” and so may be safely installed on a clustered system and used by different nodes within the cluster.
The installation process creates a hard-coded data capture user account called METRON_DC and assigns to it WORLD privileges. Those privileges may subsequently be revoked but we recommend they are kept, thus allowing Acquire for VMS to capture information about the usernames for every process on the system. By default the METRON_DC user does not have interactive login rights. You are prompted at setup time for a password to assign to this user.
You can install the kit on the system disk if necessary, but note that in normal running, Acquire will generate a number of output files. You can change the location where the output files are created by re defining the logical names APMDATA and APMLOGS to point to wherever the system manager chooses. These locations must be readily accessible to the FTP task run by the Syncsort™ Capacity Management Control Center system, which copies and renames the data files.