The archive file is in binary mode. If you unload the file on a PC and then use FTP to copy it to the UNIX machine, be sure to select binary mode transmission. Secure Shell (SFTP or SCP) performs transfers in binary.
- Load the acquirexxxxx.tar file from the installation media into the metron user’s home directory. If transferring the file from a workstation running Windows to UNIX via FTP, ensure that the transmission mode is binary since the file is in UNIX format.
- Log in as user metron and enter the following command:
tar xf <acquirefilename>.tar
where <acquirefilename> is the flavor code e.g., acquirelinux64.
A number of files and subdirectories, normally about 20 in total
A crontab, with an entry which checks for new instructions by running the APMreconfig script, and others which will delete collected and uncollected files after a number of days. When you send a Capture Profile through System Manager these will be updated and altered, but if you want, for testing purposes, you can set the instructions up manually.
An acqsetup.log file detailing all the steps and actions taken to install the Acquire.
A prev.crontab file if a previous crontab entry was found.
A prev.logfile file containing the contents of a previous acqsetup.log file if found (e.g., if an earlier version was already installed).