Creating the Oracle User - syncsort_capacity_management - 12.60

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide
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You can, if you prefer, create the Oracle user for each instance manually, as explained here. However, when the UNIX Acquire was installed, a number of files were created in the oracap directory to simplify the procedure of creating the Oracle users. For more information, refer Automatic creation of the Oracle user when using the bequeath connection. The manual procedure is as follows.

  • Log on to Oracle as an Oracle user that has the power to create users and grant them selects. Typical user­names for this purpose are sys or system.

  • Assuming that the UNIX user of Acquire is metron, issue the following SQL command to create the new Oracle user and grant the required privileges. For Oracle 12c, substitute ops$ for c##.

    create user ops$metron identified externally;

    grant create session to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$database to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$datafile to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$dispatcher to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$event_name to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$filestat to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$latch to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$lock to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$librarycache to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$process to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$queue to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$rowcache to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$session to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$session_event to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$session_wait to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$sesstat to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$statname to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$sga to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$sgastat to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$shared_pool_reserved to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$shared_server to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$sql to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$sort_segment to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$statname to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$system_event to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$sysstat to ops$metron;

    grant select on v_$tablespace to ops$metron;

    grant select on dba_tablespaces to ops$metron;

    grant select on dba_data_files to ops$metron;

    grant select on dba_extents to ops$metron;

    grant select on dba_free_space to ops$metron;

    grant select on dba_objects to ops$metron;

    grant select on dba_segments to ops$metron;

    grant select on dba_temp_files to ops$metron;

When capturing from an Oracle 12c database, the following additional grant is required.

grant select on v_$database to c##metron container=all;

  • The UNIX Acquire can capture data from multiple Oracle databases on the same system. Repeat the above procedure on every Oracle database from which you want to capture data.