Saving and Copying the Initial APMconfg.txt file - syncsort_capacity_management - 12.60

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide
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When an Acquire is first installed, it will not know:

  • If it is to be in push or pull mode

  • Its own target number

  • The location and logon details for the FTP server.

In order for the Acquire to successfully connect to the FTP server, it needs to know these things. That is the purpose of the initial APMconfg.txt file that Control Center writes. The lines near the top of that initial APMconfg.txt file will be similar to the following:

IPushParameters {
   SetOffsetSeconds -1
   SetHome "AtheneRoot"  
   SetAPMOut ""
   SetAPMIn ""
   SetLogFile "Script\xferLog.txt"
   SetMaxLogSizeKB 0
   SetFTPServer "Athene_Push_Server"
   SetFTPUser "Athene"  
   SetFTPPass "7rf+7aE/1/xE2fGHc9abYujdxXLvNzBP"
   SetTimeout 20
   SetTransport F
   SetUseNewFtpPass 0

You can see there the FTP server identity and the credentials Acquire is to use to contact it. The password is enrypted against human eavesdropping.

What you need to do with this file is:

  1. Save it to a well-known location (you may need to use it many times in the future)
  2. Copy and Paste or otherwise transfer the file into (by default) C:\ProgramData\Metron\Acquire\APMIn folder on every system where Acquire is installed that needs to operate in push mode.

The contents of this file allow the Windows Acquire to take the following actions:

  • Make a connection to the FTP server

  • Retrieve the sysinumMap.txt file, from which it will look up its name to find its target number

  • Knowing this it can retrieve its Capture Profile from the relevant tgtnnnnnnnn directory.

From this point on, the Acquire will:

  • Capture data according to the most recent Capture Profile sent to the FTP server by Control Center

  • Push the captured data to the FTP server, from where Control Center will retrieve it according to the schedule in the Collect component of that target’s Collection Profile

  • Regularly check for changes to capture instructions by interrogating the contents of its own tgtnnnnnnnn\APMin directory on the FTP server.