Syncsort™ Capacity Management applications use the following default transport layer ports for network services.
Control Center Ports
Control Center, by default uses the following ports when communicating with other machines:
To SQL Servers (if default): TCP port 1433 and UDP port 1434
To Windows Acquire (SMB Share): Port 445
To Acquires via SSH: Port 22
To Acquires via FTPS: Port 21 or Port 990 depending whether it is implicit or explicit
To Acquires via Active FTP: Port 21
To Acquires via Passive FTP: dynamic ports (see your network administrator to set ports)
To OEM database: Port 1521
To iSeries: Port 8471
To Concentrator: Port 8087
To License Server: port 2837
To REST API: Port 80, 8080 and 443