- Open the Windows control panel, click Programs and Features.
- Choose Turn Windows features on or off.
- Select .NET Framework 4.5 Advanced Services (for Windows 8) or .NET
Framework 4.8 Advanced Services (for Windows 10). Within this group
there are unselected services that need to be selected.
Select ASP.NET 4.5 (for Windows 8) or ASP.NET 4.8 (for Windows 10).
Expand WCF Services, and then select HTTP Activation.
- Select Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (including .NET 2.0 and 3.0), and then select Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation.
- Select Internet Information Services. Within this group there are
unselected services that need to be selected. (Do not deselect any options that
are selected by default).
Web Management Tools – Select IIS Management Console.
World Wide Web Services
Application Development Features –
Select Application Initialization.
Select ASP.NET 4.6, 4.7, or 4.8 (choose the highest number available). This will automatically select all the other required services in this group and ASP.NET 4.8 from the .NET Framework 4.8 Advanced Services group (or ASP.NET 4.6/4.7 or from the .NET Framework 4.6/4.7 Advanced Services group if that is the highest number available).
Common HTTP Features – Select Static Content.
Security – Select Basic Authentication and URL Authorization.
Figure 1. Internet Information Services Required ServicesFigure 2. .NET Framework 4.7 Advanced Services Group
- Type http://localhost/ into the address bar of your web browser, which displays the IIS Windows default home page if IIS is running.
Follow these steps: