Acquire/DASD control cards - syncsort_capacity_management - 12.50

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide
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Acquire/DASD for z/OS uses the following control card parameters.

All parameters are in the form: KEYWORD=VALUE

There must be no spaces before or after the = sign.

Parameter lines that have * (asterisk) or a blank in column one are treated as comments.


DSG=name or DSG=*HLQ

DSN=datasetname or DSN=datasetname(nn)


The DSG parameter names a dataset group and the name may be from 1 to 20 characters long. Up to 100 of these may be provided, or 99 if DSGREM= is used. It is assumed that one or more DSN= parameters will follow a DSG= control card to specify the strings to look for in dataset names.

If no DSG parameters are provided, only disk and Storage Group data will be generated.

DSG=*HLQ is a special form of the parameter and tells Acquire/DASD that every high-level qualifier will be treated as a group. Only this one DSG= control card is allowed and no DSN= control cards at all can be specified if you use DSG=*HLQ.

The DSN= parameter provides a string to check against a dataset name from DCOLLECT. If matched it will result in the quantity of space allocated, used and free for the dataset being added to the DSG name preceding it in the control cards. Up to 100 of these may be provided per DSG.


If the DSN=datasetname(nn) form is used, the value of n is the position in the dataset name to look for the datasetname string. The default is 1 and the value must be between 1 and 44.

For example, DSN=SYS1 will make Acquire/DASD check a dataset name with a string of SYS1, starting in position 1. DSN=.RA000.(17) will make Acquire/DASD check a dataset name against a string of .RA000. in position 17 - this example can be used to detect temporary datasets.

Acquire/DASD processes DSG and DSN control cards in the order specified, so you need to make sure the order of control cards results in the selection you intend. For example:






With this ordering of control cards, any dataset starting with an “A” will be put into the SYSTEM group. The ACTIVEDATA and ACTIVE groups will never be reached. In general, put more specific DSN= control cards ahead of less specific ones.



By default Acquire/DASD “fixes” the problem of free space plus used space not equalling the allocated space for dataset groups. If DSGFIX=Y is provided or defaulted, then the free space will be adjusted by calculating the used space % and using this to work out a new free space value. DSGFIX=N will prevent this adjustment from happening.

DSGREM=N | Y | name


This control card allows you to specify a “none of the above” category for datasets. The default is not to do this. If you provide a control card of DSGREM=Y a name of *REMAINDER* will be used. You may set any other name you desire, from 1 to 20 characters in length, except for N. If you specify DSGREM=N no remainder group will be generated.

You can only specify DSGREM= if you also provide specific DSG= control cards. You cannot specify DSGREM= if you use the DSG=*HLQ parameter.




This parameter provides the prefix of datasets created by the procedure named in the“DSPROC=” parameter to enable the asynchronous creation of DCOLLECT data by IDCAMS. There is no default for DSPFX= and both parameters must be set to enable asynchronous DCOLLECT, if not Acquire/DASD will continue to run IDCAMS synchronously inside itself.



This parameter provides the name of an external, start-able JCL procedure that can be started to invoke IDCAMs instead of having Acquire/DASD do it directly when running in cyclic mode.

The purpose of this is to suppress the control of numerous messages from SMS that are written to //JESYSMSG (IGD103I and IGD104I). It can be done by setting a JOB card on the procedure with MSGLEVEL=(2,0).

The sample JCL library member ACQDASDI contains JCL that you can use to build your own procedure. The prefix of the DCOLLECT datasets which this procedure creates must be the same as the DSPFX= setting and both the parameters must be set to enable asynchronous DCOLLECT.

A suffix of Dyymmdd.Thhmm is added to the prefix set in DSPFX=. The dataset is deleted byAcquire/DASD once it has been processed.

There is no default for DSPROC= and if it is omitted, Acquire/DASD will continue to execute IDCAMS synchronously within itself.

INT=6H | <time>


This parameter specifies the interval used between capturing data. It can be specified as any one of the following, where a suffix of M means minutes, H means hours, D means day (24 hours) and W means week (24*7 =168 hours):

30M 60M

1H 2H 3H 4H 6H 8H 12H 24H

1D 7D


The default is 6H, meaning 6 hours.

The first time data is captured is synchronized using this interval, so for example if ACQDMON is started at 08:00 on morning with the default interval of INT=6H, it will first record data at 12:00, which is the first multiple of 6 hours into the day.

An interval of 5M can be used, but only if DEBUG is turned on. Do not do this unless requested by Precisely as this can generate very large amounts of output.



This parameter controls the amount of detail recorded into SMF. The default of S means that only storage group data will be recorded. The alternative of V means that data about volumes and storage groups will be recorded. SMF records will be generated with a record number as provided by the SMF= parameter, with a subtype of “0001” for volume data, and “0002” for Storage Group data. The subsystem ID for these records is set to “MTRN”.

When processed by Acquire, volume-level data is written out as record types 9001 and 9002, and storage group data as types 9003 and 9004.



This parameter determines how ACQDMON is to be run, Cyclic or Single. The default is Cyclic mode, in which case the ACQDMON program must be link-edited with an authorization code of 1 and run from an APF-authorized library. It will invoke IDCAMS internally unless the DSPROC= and DSPFX= parameters are set, in which case it will start the named procedure to invoke IDCAMS. Regardless of the way IDCAMS is invoked, Acquire/DASD will read this data and create SMF records for processing by Acquire for z/OS.

If MODE=S is set, then it is assumed that IDCAMS has been run separately, and that DCOLLECT data is provided in file //ACQDWK03. In this situation ACQDMON will not require APF authorization and will not attempt to pass records into SMF, but will write out SMF-style records itself to the file with a DDNAME of //SMFOUT.

File //SMFOUT has these DCB attributes hard-coded in the program: RECFM=VBS, LRECL=32760, BLKSIZE=0

Two fields in the output records cannot be populated when running in Single Shot mode, the disk manufacturer and physical serial number; these fields are retrieved in real-time in Cyclic mode, using a facility that requires APF authorization.

POLL=30 | nnnn | SMF


This parameter determines how often ACQDMON checks to see if it is to produce the next snapshot of data, when run in Cyclic mode (MODE=C). The default is every 30 seconds. A value from 30 to 3600 can be set.

If POLL=SMF is provided then ACQDMON will retrieve the current SMF timeout value, divide it by 2 and use this as the POLL= value, providing it is not longer than the interval requested; if is, the default of 30 seconds will be used.

If Acquire/DASD determines that the POLL value provided is longer than the SMF timeout interval it will override this value and act as if POLL=SMF was set.

If the POLL= setting exceeds the INT= setting then Acquire/DASD will issue an error message and terminate.

Be aware that the setting of this parameter determines how quickly Acquire/DASD will respond to operator commands - except when about to capture data, most of the time it is in a wait state. For example if POLL=300 is in effect, then a shutdown command may not be “noticed” for up to 5 minutes (300 seconds. POLL=SMF could result in a very long delay before responding to an operator command.

SETSID=R | D | *ssss


This parameter allows the user to control the SMF ID that Acquire/DASD sets in SMF records. The default is R meaning the SMF ID of the system that is running Acquire/DASD. SETSID=D instructs Acquire/DASD to use the SMF ID of the data from DCOLLECT and a parameter of SETSID=*ssss instructs Acquire/DASD to use a fixed SMF ID of ssss

SG=<storgroup1[*]>,<storgroup2[(*]>, …etc


This parameter defines which individual or generic SMS storage group names are to be included in the output SMF records. Up to 20 SG= parameter cards may be provided. The default is all storage groups.

NB: If both VOL= and SG= cards are supplied, a volume must be in the VOL= include list and also be in a Storage Group in the SG= list to be written to the output file - in other words, the conditions are “AND’ed” together.

SMF=188 | nnn


The number of the SMF record to be created. This may be any value from 128 to 255. It is not possible to check if records of this type are already being created by other software, so it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that it is unique. The default is SMF=188. This must tie up with the DASD=nnn parameter in Acquire.

VOL=<volser1[*]>,<volser2[*]>, …etc


This parameter defines which individual or generic volume serials are to be included in the output SMF records. Up to 20 VOL= parameter cards may be provided. The default is all volumes.