Introduction - syncsort_capacity_management - 12.50

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide

Product type
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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide
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This section relates to the version Acquire for z/OS and Acquire/DASD for z/OS as in the title. You can only use the output of these programs with the same version of Syncsort Capacity Management, or later ones. Any changes to these instructions will be issued in the Release Notes accompanying the issue.
  • This version of Acquire for z/OS has been tested with data from the versions of z/OS, CICS and DB2 as listed in the Release Notes. Data from newer software may or may not work fine and will need enhancements to Acquire. Older data from any other versions are not sup­ported. If you need support for older operating systems, then use an older version of Acquire. However, be aware that nothing older than v11.30 is sup­ported with this version of Syncsort™ Capacity Management.

  • If problems arise you may be required to upgrade to a supported level before assistance will be provided.

  • Any changes to these instructions will be issued in the Release Notes accompanying the issue.

  • The Syncsort™ Capacity Management data capture program for z/OS data is called Acquire for z/OS. Throughout this section, the word Acquire means Acquire for z/OS.

  • Acquire is a parameter-driven program that reads unloaded SMF data including RMF records from IBM or CMF records from BMC, produced on z/OS. It can also read a dataset created by the ES/1 utility CPEDBAMS, called a “databox”. Acquire generates data for use by the main Syncsort Capacity Management applications: Planner, Analyst, and Automatic Reporting.

  • If you are also licensed for ES/1 you can run Acquire and the ES/1 databox creation utility CPEDBAMS in parallel by using the ACQES1 program. This has the advantage that you only need process your SMF data once.

When you have captured data, you must set up collection of the data from the mainframe to make it available to the Windows machine where the Control Center component of Syncsort Capacity Management is installed. The Syncsort™ Capacity Management Control Center is a Windows application that adds data to a SQL Server database that in ITIL terms is part of your Capacity Database.

Note: Older terms for “Capacity Database” in Athene are “Capacity Management Information System” (or “CMIS”) and “Performance Database” (or “PDB”). For this release, “Capacity Database” also refers to any references in the product to “CMIS” and “PDB”.

Control Center expects to find output data from Acquire in a location that was defined to a given target system via the System Manager interface, with files named according to a standard Syncsort™ Capacity Management convention. Refer to Output file names and controls and the following sec­tions, for more information about how to do this.