Examples of JCL and parameters for the Acquire runs - syncsort_capacity_management - 12.50

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide

Product type
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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide
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General notes

When you run Acquire you will see the parameters you specified printed out along with any validation errors or warnings. You will also see a list of options that are in effect for this run so you can check what other options are being used, perhaps from our customized global defaults as described above.

This listing is written to the IPLIST DD name.

For collection or multiple collection runs this output DD also holds other messages such as the names of datasets that have been processed, the size in MB and number of records read, and details of the resources used to process the main parts of the run (reading data, sorting, creating output).

For a SCAN run additional information is printed on the IPLIST DD such as the models and types of processors encountered, the levels of operating system, along with CICS APPLID information and transaction numbers if CICS data is present.

A detailed list of SMF IDs and interval data is written to the SCLIST DD name.

For a COLLECT run the SMF dataset(s) processed have their names and intervals listed on the MULTLIST DD name. The printing of a dataset name is triggered when Acquire reads an SMF type 70 record. If you have many SMF datasets concatenated as input and any contain a small amount of data that does not include a type 70 record then Acquire will not print its name.

That does not mean it did not process any data from the file, simply that it never checked the name. For data from TMON/CICS the dataset name is checked every 5,000 records to see if it has changed, and if so, the new name is printed. If a small dataset is read it is possible that a change of dataset name may again be missed by Acquire but again this does not mean it has not processed it.

Specific fields are extracted from input records and written to the WORK01 file, which is sorted to put it into the correct order for Acquire to process. You will see messages from SORT on the SYSOUT DD name.