ACQPUSH utility description - syncsort_capacity_management - 12.50

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide
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If you use Acquire to write to a z/OS dataset (i.e., DD ATHDATA), then you may want to use the ACQPUSH program to help automate the copying of that data to where it will be picked up and processed by Control Center.

Using ACQPUSH can help in automating the copying of data in a variety of ways. The next section describes how to generate commands for FTP or the Stone­branch Inc. 'ucopy' utility as the means of moving data.

For a more open use of ACQPUSH, or if you are using a Concentrator to transfer data to a Control Center, skip to the section 'ACQPUSH and the SPLIT facility.'


If an FTP server is running on the same machine as Control Center, ACQPUSH can help to copy data directly into its work area in a form that is readily usable and in a way that means the likelihood of partially written files is avoided.
  • In two-step mode, ACQPUSH only generates the commands to copy and manipulate Acquire files and it does not generate any parameters for IP address, user name or starting directory. You are then required to have a second job step (or job) to invoke FTP and perform the file transfer.

  • In one-step mode, ACQPUSH can invoke FTP directly. To use this you must provide a few small additional work files to ACQPUSH’s JCL for FTP to read its input from and write its messages to.

You must also include a file containing the skeleton of the FTP commands to be used on the FTP server and in there you include a control card which just says !push or !PUSH at the point where the “put” and “rename” commands will be inserted. You can include any valid FTP commands before and after this point – ACQPUSH does not validate them in any way, it just writes them away for FTP to use.