Account Name and Password - syncsort_capacity_management - 12.50

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide
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Acquire needs the name and password of an Oracle user with sufficient privilege to read the following Oracle tables for standard Oracle data capture. The commands here assume the Oracle user is “ops$metron”.

grant select on v_$database to metron;
grant select on v_$datafile to metron;
grant select on v_$dispatcher to metron;
grant select on v_$event_name to metron;
grant select on v_$filestat to metron;
grant select on v_$latch to metron;
grant select on v_$lock to metron;
grant select on v_$librarycache to metron;
grant select on v_$process to metron;
grant select on v_$queue to metron;
grant select on v_$rowcache to metron;
grant select on v_$session to metron;
grant select on v_$session_event to metron;
grant select on v_$session_wait to metron;
grant select on v_$sesstat to metron;
grant select on v_$statname to metron;
grant select on v_$sga to metron;
grant select on v_$sgastat to metron;
grant select on v_$sql to metron;
grant select on v_$sysstat to metron;
grant select on v_$tablespace to metron;
grant select on v_$system_event to metron;
grant select on v_$shared_pool_reserved to metron;
grant select on v_$shared_server to metron;
grant select on dba_data_files to metron;
grant select on dba_extents to metron;
grant select on dba_free_space to metron;
grant select on dba_objects to metron;
grant select on dba_segments to metron;

For segment data capture, the following grants are also required:

grant select on v_$sort_segment to metron;
grant select on dba_tablespaces to metron;
grant select on dba_temp_files to metron;

This user should also be granted create session privileges. This assumes the prefix set in Oracle for externally identified users is ops$.

grant create session to ops$metron;

For Oracle 12c the user also needs access to records from the v$_database table across all containers.

grant select on v_$database to metron container=all;

Normally the Oracle sys user has the required level of privilege. However, if site security constraints do not allow you to specify the sys user, then another user name will have to be set up and granted the appropriate level of access.

This screenshot shows the state of this screen when all the relevant information has been entered.
Figure 1. Example completed Oracle connection parameter screen

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