What Acquire Does - syncsort_capacity_management - 12.50

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide
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The Syncsort™ Capacity Management Acquire captures UNIX performance data by means of a set of scripts and compiled programs that reside on the target UNIX system(s). The data is captured into files for transfer to the Control Center work­station.

Acquire is designed to run under its own user name, referred to "metron" although it may be any valid user name. In general no superuser access is required for data capture to take place.

Important! The “metron” user’s home directory must not be shared across multiple system instances.

The ‘metron’ user’s home directory is used to store flag and status files and also to temporarily store captured data. This directory cannot and must not be shared across multiple system instances, and data capture will be severely hampered and corrupted if you attempt to do so.

If your environment requires you to have a user’s home directory shared across multiple systems, you must use a unique user name for each system from which you intend to capture data.

Acquire is designed to run under its own user name, and in general no superuser access is required while capture is taking place. Any system files used are accessed in read-only mode.

Several kinds of data may be captured.

  • System data, i.e., measurements of the physical utilization of the hardware, such as the CPU, block I/O devices and memory.

  • User data, i.e., measurements made at the level of user names and command (process) names.

  • File space data, i.e., measurements relating to the volume occupancy of filesystems, and the availability/usage of inodes.

In addition to capturing data from the UNIX operating system itself, you can also capture data from the Oracle relational database system. This form of data capture can be accomplished in two ways.

  • On the target UNIX machine by using a supplementary set of capture scripts and compiled programs, either locally or via a network connection to other Oracle instances.

  • From a Windows machine running Precisely’s Acquire for Windows, performing Oracle data capture via a network connection. This is described in Installing Acquire for Windows.