To install Syncsort PROCSort using SMP/E, do the steps below. These steps provide instructions for installing into new SMP/E zones. If you wish to install Syncsort PROCSort into existing SMP/E zones some steps in the procedure must be skipped.
- The input files can be acquired by doing an FTP download . If you are downloading from our FTP site, skip to step 2 after you have completed the FTP download. Use the JCL in the following figure. Edit the lines in bold italics and any other line to meet site standards.
- Edit and submit member PM24ALOC in the SAMPJCL library to allocate the target and distribution libraries for Syncsort PROCSort.
- Edit and submit member PM24ALOE in the SAMPJCL library to allocate libraries required for SMP/E.
- Edit and submit member PM24INIT in the SAMPJCL library to initialize zones in the CSI data set.
- Edit and submit member PM24DDEF in the SAMPJCL library to define DDDEFs in the newly initialized zones.
Edit and submit member PM24RECV in the SAMPJCL library to perform SMP/E RECEIVE processing.
Edit and submit member PM24APLY in the SAMPJCL library to perform SMP/E APPLY processing.
Edit and submit member PM24ACPT in the SAMPJCL library to perform SMP/E ACCEPT processing.
Refer to SMP/E Installation Methods below for the steps needed to complete the installation.