Modifying defaults with the ACQUIREG macro - syncsort_capacity_management - 12 - 12.40

Syncsort Capacity Management Installation Guide

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Syncsort Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort Capacity Management
Syncsort Capacity Management Installation Guide
Topic type
How Do I
First publish date

You can change use the sample JCLLIB member USERGBL to set any defaults you want to alter. This is an Assembler and link-edit job that uses the ACQUIREG macro (also in JCLLIB) to generate the ACQUIREG object module. Tailor the JCL and the options you want to set as global defaults and make sure it runs and completes with a condition code of zero. Do not change the ACQUIREG macro.

Once the assemble and link has run, you will have your customized ACQUIREG module incorporated into Acquire so that when runs it will process the options you have selected as if they were control cards entered by the user. These are listed and validated by Acquire as normal.

By default, when all parameters have been processed from the defaults module, Acquire reads control cards from //PARMDATA and overrides any defaults with new values.

You can choose to disallow this behavior by including OVERRIDE=N as one of the ACQUIREG parameters. Then any duplicated user parameters will halt the Acquire run with a return code of 8.

Options from the global defaults module are printed with an @ in front of them and control cards from //PARMDATA are prefixed with a > character

Note that these control cards are not supported in the ACQUIREG module:



All other parameters are supported in the format described in the details above. This means that you can run Acquire with a minimal set of parameters, perhaps just TARGET= for your systems, and have customized options set for all of your data collection activities. This can be especially useful if the Acquire load library is located on DASD shared between systems.

Sample member USERGBL lists all of the options that Acquire supports.

Sample JCLLIB member USERGBL2 provides an example of a setting just a small set of global parameters.