To create a summary report from polygon data:
Click the Add
icon and draw one or
more polygon annotations on the map.
The annotation is drawn on the map and gets listed with the default name in the Map Legend panel under the Annotations heading.
- From the Map Legend panel, open the annotation that you drew in step 1.
- Open the Overflow menu and choose Summary Report.
In the Summary Report page, choose the columns or variables from
the list. The report is created based on the selected columns only.
The Summary Report has the following options:
Options Description Clear Clear the existing variables. Edit You can remove the saved list. Save Save the selected columns/variables as Saved list for future reference.
- Use the search box to search for a column or variable. You can then choose it to be included in the report. The selected column/variable gets listed on the right side.
- Saved list - Use this drop-down list to select a saved list of variables. The saved list acts as a template. Instead of choosing the variables each time, you can save your favorite set of variables under the Saved list and give it a name. Next time you can select the name from the Saved list to save time.
- Aggregate using Centroid - Computes the weighted centroid. Each type of shape’s centroid is calculated differently. For the point data, the calculation is based on the equally weighted average of all the coordinates.
- Click the Generate Report button to generate the report.