Execute the instructions specified below to configure session sharing:
- Shut down AnalystConnect service
- Go to the directory: "<SSA_INSTALL_DIR>\Tomcat9\AnalystConnect\conf"
- Use a cluster aware session manager
- Open file "context.xml" for editing.
- Uncomment the following section under Context element <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.ha.session.DeltaManager" expireSessionsOnShutdown="false" notifyListenersOnReplication="true"/>
- Configure session sharing
- Open file "server.xml" for editing
- Append an attribute with name "jvmRoute" to <Engine> element. The value of attribute should be a unique name across all the Connect nodes.
- Uncomment <cluster> element
- Optionally you can change the receiver port for this node if there is a port specified in <Receiver> is already occupied. Edit the port under below element: <Receiver className="org.apache.catalina.tribes.transport.nio.NioReceiver" port="4110" autoBind="9" selectorTimeout="5000" maxThreads="6"/>
- Configure cluster nodes & membership – you need to register all the other Connect nodes with this node. Refer to next section for details.