Installation through Console - spectrum_spatial_analyst_1 - 23.1

Spectrum Spatial Analyst Installation

Product type
Product family
Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Product name
Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Spectrum Spatial Analyst Installation
First publish date
Last edition
Last publish date

To install Spectrum Spatial Analyst through console on CentOS or Ubuntu, follow the steps given below:

Note: For fresh install of Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2023.1, sudo right is no more required, however, for upgarding from 2022.1 to Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2023.1 sudo right is needed.
  1. Download Spectrum Spatial Analyst using the download instructions in your welcome letter.
  2. Extract the downloaded file to a temporary location (for example, /analyst) on the server where you want to install Spectrum Spatial Analyst.
  3. Run the following command from the terminal window:
    ./Analyst.bin -i console

    where, Analyst.bin is the file name of the installer.

    Note: Please ensure the correct JAVA version is installed on your system, in the absence of Java 11, the following error message appears No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH environment variable.
  4. It will prompt to install, press Enter to continue.
  5. Accept the Terms & Conditions.
  6. Enter the desired location to install Spectrum Spatial Analyst or press Enter to accept the default path. For example, in case of your home directory the default location looks like /home/analyst-s/SpectrumSpatialAnalyst.
  7. Enter the path for Java 11 JDK and press Enter.
  8. Enter the type of Analyst Access Mode and press Enter.
  9. Press 1 for Guest and Secured or 2 for Secured Only.
  10. If you choose Guest&Secured mode, then enter the Guest user name and Password for guest user.
  11. Specify the Endpoint URL in the following format, then press Enter
  12. Specify the credentials for Spectrum Spatial Server.
  13. Specify the port number for Analyst Locate, or press Enter to accept the default port.
    The default port is 8030.
  14. Specify the port number for Analyst Connect, or press Enter to accept the default port.
    The default port is 8010.
  15. Specify the max memory settings for AnalystLocate, or press Enter to accept the default memory.
    The default is 1024.
  16. Specify the max memory settings for AnalystConnect or press Enter to accept the default memory.
    The default is 1024.
  17. Carefully review the pre-installation summary.
    The installation process starts. The installer installs two separate Tomcat instances on two different ports. Both will be installed on the same machine. The ports can be configured during installation process.
Congratulations! The Spectrum Spatial Analyst is installed in your machine and is ready to use.