Displaying map information from the MRR file - spectrum_spatial_analyst_1 - 23.1

Spectrum Spatial Analyst Guide

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Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial Analyst
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Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Spectrum Spatial Analyst Guide
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If you draw a line or a polygon annotation on the map with underlying MRR layers, the map information callout displays raster statistics and profile.

Note: For a Multi-field Multi-band raster the profile chart and profile data is repeated for each band.

Line annotations

  • Line Statistics - In the following example, the callout information displays the aggregated statistics for the line drawn on the map.

  • Line Profile - The line profile shows the cell values along the line from the raster both as a chart and table. Cell values are shown for a series of sampled points on the line annotation. The maximum sample size is 100 steps and for shorter lines may be less.
    Note: The distances reported by the line statistics is spherical (geodesic) distances.

Polygon annotations

  • Region Statistics - Shows the aggregated statistics (min, max, average, total, cell count, etc.) for cell values. All cells whose center falls inside the polygon annotation are included.

To draw a line or a polygon annotation on the raster map, follow the steps given below:

  1. Open a map project containing the MRR layers.
  2. Click or touch the Add icon on the upper right corner of the map to open the Add panel.
  3. Under the Create Annotations list, select Line annotation.
  4. Draw a line or region on the map.

    The shape that you draw gets added to the map and is also listed with a default name in the Map Legend panel under the Annotations heading.

  5. Click the Overflow icon to view the options.
  6. Click or touch the Map information. The map information callout displays the details on the left hand panel.