This topic helps you to setup a street imagery and set properties for the previously
selected table and generate new template.
To setup a street imagery, follow the steps given
- Click on the Street Imagery option on the left hand side to set
up the street view. Note: To setup Google street view you need to configure Google key in Spatial Manager > Properties > Global Project Settings page. Google key need to be purchased by your organization.
- Select Add Google street view checkbox to enable the Google street view.
- To show street view from Map Click or Specific Coordinate from table, select the desired option.
- If you choose Specific Coordinate from table option, select the projection, x and y values from the drop-down list.
- Click on the Save button to create a new template. The Name your Templates dialog box appears.
- Enter the template name in the text box and click Save.
You can access these templates from Project Home.