The query results are displayed on the left hand side of the screen. It allows you to:
- Re-order the results by tapping on the column headings. You can choose from Sort Ascending, Sort Descending or Hide Column drop-down options.
- Navigate from page to page.
- Export Visible Data as a CSV file.
- Export Selected Data as a CSV file.
- Export All Data as a CSV file (or choose to export one page at a time).
- Click or Tap each result to zoom to and highlight the record on the map.
- Resize the column widths by dragging the edges between the columns.
- Drag the complete table by moving the handle on the top of the table.
- You can also close query result tab.
- The query result is also listed in the Map Legend.
- You can tap or click on individual geometry that came up as a Query Result. You can view its attribute in a callout.
- You can delete query results from Map Legend by clicking or tapping the Delete icon .
- You can also print query results. For more information, refer to Printing Maps.