Since the module configuration can become complex if many modules are added to it, the
Spectrum Spatial Analyst extensibility platform provides a module config validator
that can be used to validate the CustomAnalystModuleConfig.json file. The
tool is simple to use, browse to it as follows:
Browse to
The following screen displays.
- Choose and browse to a manually authored CustomAnalystModuleConfig.json file on the file system. The tool will validate the file. It also shows any errors to the user
- Once validation is complete, place the CustomAnalystModuleConfig.json file into the customerconfigurations folder of the Spectrum Spatial Analyst installation.
The ModuleConfig validator performs semantic and syntactic validation of the
CustomAnalystModuleConfig.json, and returns any errors for missing
braces, un-equal parenthesis, missing mandatory fields, and so on. It also validates the
location of modules and external JavaScript files in the
CustomAnalystModuleConfig.json file. We recommend that you check the
CustomAnalystModuleConfig.json file is valid before deploying it to
Spectrum Spatial Analyst in the customerconfigurations folder. Please refer to the
tables for configuring the CustomAnalystModuleConfig.json to check for
mandatory and optional fields in the CustomAnalystModuleConfig.json