Spectrum Spatial Analyst enables you to migrate your existing extensible components to Angular 11. The following sections will help you successfully migrate your components.
You need to make the following changes to run the extensible components in the migrated Spectrum Spatial Analyst application.
1. NgRx Store
The NgRx Store has been migrated from version 2.2.3 to version 11.1.1. This upgrade requires some syntax changes as explained below:
First change: Remove the
operator while dispatching the action. This is must for every action’s dispatch that you are using in your extensible component.In Angular 4, whenever you dispatched an action, you would use the below syntax:this.store.dispatch(new actionName(payload));
Now, you need to remove thenew
operator in Spectrum Spatial Analyst Angular 11’s extensible components so that it looks like:
To create a query in Spectrum Spatial Analyst make the changes as described in the table below.this.store.dispatch(actionName(payload));
To create a query layer in Angular 4 To create a query layer in Angular 11 const params = { query: "SELECT Country,Capital,Continent FROM \"/Samples/NamedTables/WorldTable\" WHERE Lower(Country) LIKE Lower('%In%')", layerName: "Country", name: "Countries name containing 'In'", addToMap: addToMap, getResult: getResult, orderIndex: 0, replaceCurrentLegend: false, customComponentData: { customDataObj: "customDataObj" } }; this.store.dispatch(new ExecuteQueryAction(params));
this.store.dispatch(ExecuteQueryAction(params)); // No change in the payload passed to ExecuteQueryAction. Only change is removing the new operator.
- Second change: Modify the payload passed to action while dispatching it. It is required
only when your payload is of type string, number, Boolean or an array. If
the payload is of type JSON object like in the above example of query, then
there is no need to make any change in the payload. For example,
To dispatch action when payload is of type Boolean:this.store.dispatch(new ToggleResourceSelectorVisiblity(true));
So, if the payload is of primitive type like Boolean, make the following changes:Angular 4 Angular 11 this.store.dispatch(new ToggleResourceSelectorVisiblity(true));
this.store.dispatch(ToggleResourceSelectorVisiblity( {toggleVisiblity: true} ));
- Remove the
operator as explained above. - Wrap the Boolean payload in a JSON object. The key which has been introduced for ToggleResourceSelectorVisiblity action is toggleVisiblity. Each actions have different key name, refer to the API documentation for details on actions and the corresponding keys.
- Remove the
2. RxJS
It has been migrated from version 5.4.2 to 6.6.7 and requires the following changes:
- First change: If you are using map, mergeMap, concatMap, switchMap etc. operators of RxJS
in your extensible component, then you have to use pipe operator as shown below:
Using RxJS map operator in Angular 4 Using RxJS map operator in Angular 11 this.xhrIncokerService.invokeController (options).map((data ) => { //logic });
this.xhrIncokerService.invokeController (options).pipe(map( (data)=> {; //logic });
Second change: Importing RxJS operators has also changed. To import certain operators like map, mergeMap, concatMap, and switchMap you can use the following code:
Importing RxJS operators in Angular 4 Importing RxJS operators in Angular 11 // Old version import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; // Old version import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject'; // Old version import { Observer } from 'rxjs/Observer';
// Latest version; import { map, mergeMap, switchMap, concatMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; importing very commonly used Rxjs stuff like Observable, Subscription, Subject import {Observable, Subject, Observer, Subscription, of } from 'rxjs';
You can refer to RxJS documentation for the latest updates.
3. Open Layers
Using open layers in 4.2.0 | Using open layers in 6.5.0 |
4. Third-party libraries
Spectrum Spatial Analyst provides you various third-party libraries. Those libraries have been upgraded. If your extensible components use those libraries, you need to modify the syntax according to their updated syntax. The following third-party libraries have been upgraded.
- "primeng": "^11.4.2"
- "ngx-bootstrap": "^6.2.0"
- "@ngx-translate/core": "^13.0.0"
- "@ngx-translate/http-loader": "^6.0.0"
- "ng2-google-charts": "6.1.0"
5. Angular Framework and dependencies upgrade
If you have set up a local dev environment to create or edit extensible components, then you need to upgrade the following:
- Angular framework -> 11
NgRxStore -> 11.1.1
- RxJS -> 6.6.7
- Openlayers -> 6.5.0