Extension points - 23.1

Spectrum Spatial Analyst Extensibility Guide

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Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Product name
Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Spectrum Spatial Analyst Extensibility Guide
Topic type
How Do I
First publish date

List of Parent Component Name

The following is a list of parentComponentName values in the Spectrum Spatial Analyst. You can add a child component inside them to extend and customize a component.

No. parentComponentName Value Description
1. ADD_PANEL Use this parent component to add a component inside the Add panel on the right of Spectrum Spatial Analyst main page.
2. ANNOTATION_LEGEND_ITEM Use this parent component to add component inside overflow menu for annotation item in legend panel.
3. ANNOTATION_LEGEND_GROUP_ITEM Use this parent component to add component inside the AnnotationLegendGroupItem.
4. ANNOTATION_TOOL_CONTAINER This will add a component inside the Annotation tool container.
5. MEASUREMENT_TOOL_CONTAINER This will add a component inside the MeasurementToolContainer
6. BASE_MAP_SWITCHER_CONTAINER This will add a component inside the BaseMapSwitcherContainer
7. CALLOUT_CARD_CONTAINER This will add a component inside the CalloutCardContainer
8. CALLOUT_CONTAINER This will add a component inside the Callout container.
9. LAYER_PANEL This will add a component inside the LayerPanel.
10. LEGEND_CONTAINER This will add a component inside the LegendContainer.
11. LEFT_PANEL_CONTAINER This will add a component inside the LeftPanelContainer.
12. MAP_CONFIG_SWITCHER_CONTAINER This will add a component inside the MapConfigSwitcherContainer.
13. MVT_LEGEND_ITEM This will add a component inside the MVTLegendItem.
14. QUERY_LEGEND_ITEM This will add a component inside the QueryLegendItem.
15. QUERY_RESULTS_ITEM This will add a component inside the QueryResultsItem.
16. RIGHT_PANEL This will add a component inside the RightPanel.
17. RIGHT_PANEL_TOOLBAR This will add a component inside the RightPanelToolbar.
18. SEARCH_BOX_CONTAINER This will add a component inside the SearchBoxContainer.
19. SETTINGS_PANEL This will add a component inside the SettingsPanel.
20. SPATIAL_LEGEND_ITEM This will add a component inside the SpatialLegendItem.
21. SPATIAL_SUB_LEGEND_ITEM This will add a component inside the SpatialSubLegendItem.
22. THEMATIC_LEGEND_ITEM This will add a component inside the ThematicLegendItem.
23. TMS_LEGEND_ITEM This will add a component inside the TMSLegendItem.
24. VECTOR_LAYER_LEGEND_ITEM This will add a component inside the VectorLayerLegendItem.
25. WMS_LEGEND_ITEM This will add a component inside the WMSLegendItem.
26. XYZ_LEGEND_ITEM This will add a component inside the XYZLegendItem.
27. CALLOUT_CONTAINER_COMPONENT This will add a component inside the CalloutContainerComponent.
28. LEGEND_CONTAINER_COMPONENT This will add a component inside the LegendContainerComponent.
29. DATA_CREATION_COMPONENT This will add a component inside the DataCreationComponent.

Spectrum Spatial Analyst have been supporting these components from the previous releases and will continue to support them along with the new injection points.

Note: There are more injection points in addition to those listed here. The Spectrum Spatial Analyst team will continue to add more injection points in the future.