This example adds a custom component at the second position in a layer’s information overflow menu.
- Configure an extensible component at the CalloutContainer injection point.
- Uncomment the following CSS in the brand.css file.
.open>#overflowMenu{ display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .exportAsCsv{ order: 10; } .addAsAnnotation{ order: 20; } .showOnMap{ order: 30; } .editRecord{ order: 40; } .deleteRecord{ order: 50; } .dataBindTitle{ order: 60; } .linkouts{ order: 70; } /* Please replace CUSTOM-ELEMENT-NAME with the selector of custom component to specify its order*/ #overflowMenu>CUSTOM-ELEMENT-NAME{ order: 30; }
- Replace the CUSTOM-ELEMENT-NAME with the selector of the custom component. For example,
is the selector in the following component:@Component({ selector: 'my-CallOutContainer', template: ` <li class="ellipsesDropdown"> <span class="btn btn-link text-left btn-block container-flex"> <i _ngcontent-c46="" class="nc-icon-outline ui-1_trash-simple margin-r overflow-imgMargin"> </i>CallOutCardContainer </span> </li> `, })
The entry in the brand.css file for my-CallOutContainer will be something like this:
/* Please replace CUSTOM-ELEMENT-NAME with the selector of custom component to specify its order*/
order: 30;
After replacing the CUSTOM-ELEMENT-NAME to my-CallOutContainer, the entry looks like this:
/* Please replace CUSTOM-ELEMENT-NAME with the selector of custom component to specify its order*/
order: 11;
Also update the order property from 30 to 11, so that it is visible after the user selects the Export to CSV option in Spectrum Spatial Analyst.