Table Lookup uses the following tables to identify terms. Use Table Management to create new tables or to modify existing ones. For more information, see Introduction to Lookup Tables.
Base Tables
Base tables are provided with the Data Normalization installation package.
- Aeronautical Abbreviations
- All Acronyms Initialism
- Business Names Abbreviations
- Canadian Territory Abbreviations
- Computing/IT Abbreviations
- EU Acronyms
- Fortune 1000
- French Abbreviations
- French Arrondissement to Department Number
- French Commune to Postal Code
- French Department to Region
- French Department Number to Department
- Gender Codes
- Geographic Directional Abbreviations
- German Acronyms
- German City to State Code
- German Area Code to City
- German District to State Code
- German State Abbreviations
- Government Agencies Abbreviations
- IATA Airline Designator
- IATA Airline Designator Country
- Legal Abbreviations
- Medical Abbreviations
- Medical Organizations Acronyms
- Military Abbreviations
- Nicknames
- Secondary Unit Abbreviations
- Secondary Unit Reverse
- Singapore Abbreviations
- Spanish Abbreviations
- Spanish Directional Abbreviations
- Spanish Street Suffix Abbreviations
- State Name Abbreviations
- State Name Reverse
- Street Suffix Abbreviations
- Street Suffix Reverse
- Subsidiary to Parent
- U.K. Town to Postcode Area
- U.K. Dialing Code Prefixes
- U.K. Dialing Codes to Town
- U.K. Postcode Area to Town
- U.S. Army Acronyms
- U.S. Navy Acronyms
- ZREPLACE (Used by the SAP Module for French address validation)
Core Names
Core Names tables require an additional license. For more information, contact your account executive.
Core Names tables must be loaded using the Data Normalization database load utility. For instructions, see the Spectrum Technology Platform Installation Guide.
- Enhanced Family Names Ethnicity
- Enhanced Gender Codes
- Enhanced Given Names Ethnicity
Arabic Plus Pack
Arabic Plus Pack tables require an additional license. For more information, contact your account executive.
Arabic Plus Pack tables must be loaded using the Data Normalization database load utility. For instructions, see the Spectrum Technology Platform Installation Guide.
- Arabic Family Names Ethnicity (Arabic)
- Arabic Family Names Ethnicity (Romanized)
- Arabic Gender Codes (Arabic)
- Arabic Gender Codes (Romanized)
- Arabic Given Names Ethnicity (Arabic)
- Arabic Given Names Ethnicity (Romanized)
Asian Plus Pack
Asian Plus Pack tables require an additional license. For more information, contact your account executive.
Asian Plus Pack tables must be loaded using the Data Normalization database load utility. For instructions, see the Spectrum Technology Platform Installation Guide.
- CJK Family Names Ethnicity (Native)
- CJK Family Names Ethnicity (Romanized)
- CJK Given Names Ethnicity (Native)
- CJK Given Names Ethnicity (Romanized)
- Japanese Gender Codes (Kana)
- Japanese Gender Codes (Kanji)
- Japanese Gender Codes (Romanized)