To open the Data Stewardship Portal Editor to view records, click Editor on the Data Stewardship Portal menu bar. The Data Stewardship Portal Editor will also open when you click a dataflow in the Breakdown by dataflow list on the Dashboard.
On the Editor page, you can view records in either Tabular view or Form view.
Tabular view
In Tabular view you can load up to 100 records per page. You can change how many records are displayed per page in the items per page box at the bottom of the screen. In this view, you can scroll through the list and edit records in any order. When you finish editing records on a page, you can click the Save changes button to simultaneously save changes to all of the records on a page.
Form view
In Form view you view and edit data for one record at a time. You can click the navigation buttons to scroll between records in the current dataflow. In this view you must save the edits to a record before you proceed to a different record. You cannot save edits more than one record at a time in Form view.