Using Spectrum Service Search Tools - spectrum_quality_1 - 23.1

Spectrum Data Quality Guide

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Spectrum > Quality > Spectrum Quality
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Spectrum Data Quality
Spectrum Data Quality Guide
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To perform this procedure, you must first configure search tools on the Data Stewardship Settings page of Management Console. Otherwise Search Tools will not appear on the Data Stewardship Portal Editor page.

Precisely service search tools include all services for which you are licensed, such as ValidateAddress, GetPostalCodes, and so on. You can use these services within the Data Stewardship Portal Editor to look up and validate exception data that you are attempting to correct or augment.

Note that when using this feature you will only see services if you have view permissions for Services under the Platform group for role security. Likewise, in order to run services, you will need execute permissions for Services. However, these permissions can be modified by using Secured Entity Overrides. Using a combination of top-level permissions and overrides the administrator can manage the list of services that a particular user or role has access to in the Data Stewardship Portal Service box.

  1. Select the record that contains the data you want to look up.
  2. Below the records table, click to expand Search Tools.
  3. In the Service box, choose the service you want to use, such as ValidateAddress or GetCandidateAddresses.
  4. If the exception record contains fields used in that service but under different names, map the Service Input fields to the Exception Fields on the Service Fields tab.
    For example, if you are using ValidateAddress and a record does not include an AddressLine1 field but instead includes an AddrLine1 field, select "AddrLine1" in the Exception Field column of the AddressLine1 row. You must have at least one input field mapped before running the service.
    Note: The Data Stewardship Portal remembers the maps you create from service fields to exception fields as long as you are mapping records with the same field names, stage names, and dataflow names. For instance, if a record has a field named "AddrLine1" and you map it to "AddressLine1", it will remember this map as long as you are working with records that contain "AddrLine1" and that were created in the same stage by the same dataflow.
  5. Optional: Repeat step 4 for Service Output fields.
    This step is optional, but you must have at least one output field mapped before you can apply the service data. Note that you cannot map a read-only Exception Field to the Service Output fields.
  6. Click the Options tab to select database resources and to view and change service options that were set in Management Console.
    If you don't know the purpose of a particular option, hover over that option to see its description. Changes you make here will persist when used by the same user, dataflow, and stage of the record.
    Note: If the service you are using requires a database, you must have first configured the database resource in Management Console. For example, if you are reviewing U.S. records using Validate Address, you must have configured a U.S. database in Management Console.
  7. Click Run Service.
    The updated record will appear on the Result tab, along with a status code indicating the success of the record. Fields that are mapped to records will be designated by an asterisk.
  8. Select the result record and click Apply Service Data to transfer the data to the mapped fields of the record.
  9. If you want to reprocess the updated record, click the Approved check box for that record and then click Save.