Setting field filters - spectrum_quality_1 - 23.1

Spectrum Data Quality Guide

Product type
Product family
Spectrum > Quality > Spectrum Quality
Product name
Spectrum Data Quality
Spectrum Data Quality Guide
First publish date
Last updated
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This task describes how to filter the list of records according to field values.

  1. On the Data Stewardship Portal Editor page, make sure that you are in Tabular view .
  2. Click the Set filter button on the toolbar.
    This displays the Filter icon on every field heading that can be filtered.
  3. Click the Filter icon on a field heading.
  4. In the Show items with value that list, select the operator that you want to use.
    For more information, see Field filter operators.
  5. Enter one or more values for the filter, then press the Enter key.
    If a lookup table was defined in the Data Stewardship settings and is associated with the column, click the value box to expand the list and select values. Otherwise, you can type and add values to the value box.
  6. Click the Filter button to apply the criteria.
    Only records whose data matches the filter criteria are then visible. If you add multiple values to a filter, records are displayed whose data matches the criteria for any of the values. All records are hidden if there is no match.
  7. To filter on additional fields, repeat steps 3 through 6 for each field that you want to filter.
    When you set filters on multiple fields, records are displayed whose data matches the criteria set for all of the fields.
You can click the Set filter button again to clear filters currently set on fields.