Configuring Key Performance Indicators - spectrum_platform - spectrum_quality_1 - 23.1

Spectrum Data Quality Guide

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Spectrum > Quality > Spectrum Quality
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Spectrum Data Quality
Spectrum Data Quality Guide
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How Do I
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The KPI Configuration section of the Data Quality Reporting tab enables you to designate key performance indicators (KPIs) for your data and assign notifications for when those KPIs meet certain conditions.

  1. On the Management Console page, click Resources > Data Stewardship Settings.
  2. On the sidebar, click Data Quality Reporting.
  3. Click the Add a KPI button Image of Add KPI button.
  4. Enter a Name for the key performance indicator.
    This name must be unique on your Spectrum Technology Platform server.
  5. Select one of the data quality Metrics for the key performance indicator.
    If you do not make a selection, this key performance indicator will be tied to all metrics.
  6. Select a Dataflow name for the key performance indicator.
    If you do not make a selection, this key performance indicator will be tied to all Data Stewardship dataflows.
  7. Select a Stage label for the key performance indicator.
    If you do not make a selection, this key performance indicator will be tied to all Data Stewardship stages in your dataflows.
  8. Select a data Domain for the key performance indicator.
    If you do not make a selection, this key performance indicator will be tied to all domains.
    Note: Selecting a domain disables the Condition option.
  9. Select a Condition for the key performance indicator.
    If you do not make a selection, this key performance indicator defaults to All.
    Note: Selecting a condition disables the Domain option.
  10. Select a KPI period to designate the intervals for which you want Data Stewardship to monitor your data and send notifications.
    For example, if you enter "1" select Month, a KPI notification will be sent when the percentage of exceptions has increased per the threshold or variance over a month-to-month interval.
  11. Provide a percentage for either a Variance or a Threshold.
    Variance values represent the increased percentage of failures in exception records since the last time period. Threshold values represent the percentage of failures at which you want the notifications to be sent. Its value must be 1 or greater.
  12. Select email addresses from the list or enter email addresses for the Recipients who should be notified when these conditions are met.
    When possible, this field auto-completes as you enter email addresses. You do not need to separate addresses with commas, semicolons, or any other punctuation.
  13. Enter the Subject you want the notification email to use.
  14. Enter the Message you want the notification to relay when these conditions are met.
  15. Click OK.
    The new KPI is added to the list of KPIs. You can sort KPIs on any of the columns containing data.
  16. Click Save.
You can modify or remove KPIs by selecting a KPI and clicking the Edit selected KPI button Image of Edit selected KPI buttonor the Delete selected KPI button Image of Delete Selected KPI button.