Perform Batch Address Validation - spectrum_platform - Latest

Spectrum Quality Connector for SAP Guide

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Spectrum > Spectrum Platform
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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Quality Connector for SAP Guide
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Batch address validation is the process of updating address data in a data set so that the address data is valid and cleansed. If a record has been saved with uncleansed data (e.g. lower cased address), running the batch address cleansing will automatically cleanse the record.

  1. Enter the transaction code /NSE38.
  2. In the Program field enter RSADRQU1.
    Note: This is a standard SAP program for the quarterly adjustment process.
  3. Press the F8 key or click the execute icon.
  4. Complete the fields to specify the records you want to include in the batch address validation.
  5. Press the F8 key or click the execute icon.
  6. When you see a message saying "INDX created", click the back icon until you are at the screen titled ABAP Editor: Initial Screen.
  7. In the Program field enter /HSGRP1/RSADRQU2.
  8. Press the F8 key or click the execute icon.
  9. Choose one of the following options:
    Address Validation Only
    This will only validate and cleanse the records.
    GeoTAX Validation Only
    This will only perform tax jurisdiction assignments on the records. This option only works if you have the Enterprise Tax Module installed on the Spectrum Technology Platform server.
    Address Validation and GeoTAX
    This will validate, cleanse, and perform tax jurisdiction assignments on the records. This option only works if you have the Enterprise Tax Module installed on the Spectrum Technology Platform server.
  10. Press the F8 key or click the execute icon.
  11. When you see a message saying that the process has ended, click the back icon until you are at the screen titled ABAP Editor: Initial Screen.
  12. In the Program field, enter /HSGRP1/RSADRQU3.
  13. Press the F8 key or click the execute icon.
  14. Press the F8 key or click the execute icon again.

Batch address validation is now complete.