When you enter an address into SAP, the SAP Module attempts to validate the address and allows you to accept or reject the validated address.
Enter the address data in SAP.
For example:
33 milk st, boston, ma, US
When you save the record, the address validation process attempts to validate the address. Depending on the result of the validation process, one of the following windows appears:
- If the address can be validated, the Postal Validation window shows the validated (Proposed) address and the address as you entered it (Current Address).
- If the address you entered matches to multiple addresses in the postal data, the Address List Popup displays candidate addresses.
- If the address cannot be validated, the Invalid Entry Popup displays with the appropriate error message.
- If the address can be validated, the Postal Validation window shows the validated (Proposed) address and the address as you entered it (Current Address).
Choose the action you want to perform:
- Click Accept Changes to accept the address in the Proposed Address column.
- Click Accept Current to accept the address in the Current Address column.
- Click to cancel the validation.