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Spectrum Quality Connector for SAP Guide

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Spectrum > Spectrum Platform
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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Quality Connector for SAP Guide
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The SAP modules provide various ways in which you can search records. Error-tolerant searches allow you to find customers, vendors, prospects, or business partners, even if you don't have all their information or the information is incomplete or partly wrong.

  1. When searching for customers, vendors, prospects, or business partners, the error-tolerant search feature allows you to use "Rough" or "Fuzzy" search logic to locate records. To enable this search logic, the value of FuzzySearch field in SAP DQC Services window should be set to 1. By default, it is set to 0. You also have to run the Tcode SM30 and enter /HSGRP1/hsgrp1/svc_opt in the table field.
    Note: To enable FuzzySearch in Spectrum on Demand (SPOD), run the Tcode SM30 and enter /hsgrp1/SPOD_opt in the table field.
    You must perform search key initialization for these conditions:
    • If you are upgrading from version 11.0 or earlier and the value of FuzzySearch is set to 0.

    • If you are upgrading from version 11.0 SP1 or later and the value of FuzzySearch is set to 1.

      For more information, see Initializing Search Key.

    Note: Search key initialization should be performed every time you change the value of FuzzySearch field.

  2. Enter any information in any of the fields to perform the error-tolerant search.
  3. Execute the search to display the Results pop-up with a list of possible matches.
  4. Select from the given list and click on Open Selected Record, or simply click on Cancel to cancel the search.
Note: This search logic doesn't work for some fields.