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Spectrum Installation Guide for Linux

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Spectrum > Spectrum Platform
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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Installation Guide for Linux
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Retirement of the Legacy Point in Polygon and Closest Site stages

From this release we have removed the following from the Spectrum Spatial Module.

  • Centrus: The ability to configure a database resource for Centrus in the Spectrum Management Console is no longer available as of this release.
  • Closest Site stage: This stage is retired. Running a flow that includes the Closest Site stage displays the message "Stage 'Closest Site' does not exist."
  • Legacy Point in Polygon stage: This stage is retired. Running a flow that includes the Legacy Point in Polygon stage displays the message "Stage 'Legacy Point in Polygon' does not exist."

We recommend all customers who were using these stages move to the standard capabilities of the Spectrum Location Intelligence Module, such as the Find Nearest, Point in Polygon, Query and Read Spatial data, and other Spatial stages. These newer stages are all available with the Spectrum Spatial with no additional license needed. They are explained in the topic Spatial Stages in the Spatial Guide.

These standard stages can use MapInfo TAB files, shape files, or RDBMS sources (such as Oracle, SQL Server and PostGIS) for data access rather than the GSB files used by these stages. With TAB files further performance improvements can be obtained if an optional PGD index is created as explained in the topic PGD Builder in the Spatial Guide.

How do I know if I am using the stages that are no longer supported?

Prior to upgrading you can check if you are using Centrus as follows:

  1. Check if you have a Centrus database configured.

    Log into the Spectrum Management Console and on the top-level menu go to Resources and the choose Spectrum Databases. If a Centrus database is in the list, then you have configured a Centrus database.

  2. Check if you are using either of the two spatial stages that use these files. Log into Spectrum Enterprise Designer, and check if your data flows include the Legacy Point in Polygon or the Closest Site stages.

If you have a Centrus database configured but you are not using either of these two stages, then you are not using the Centrus stages.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our Technical Support Team at (see and we will work with you to advise on your particular circumstances.