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Spectrum Installation Guide for Linux

Product type
Product family
Spectrum > Spectrum Platform
Product name
Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Installation Guide for Linux
Topic type
How Do I
First publish date
Last edition
Last publish date

Operating Systems

Supported Operating System Notes
CentOS 7.x

MrSID raster images require on this operating system.

Oracle Linux 7.x  
Oracle Linux 8.x  
Oracle Linux 9.x MrSID raster images are not supported on this operating system.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x  
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x  
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x MrSID raster images are not supported on this operating system.
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

MrSID raster images are not supported on this operating system.

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS MrSID raster images are not supported on this operating system.

Unsupported Operating Systems by module

Specific modules do not support Linux operating systems listed here.

Module Unsupported Operating System
Spectrum SAP Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Spectrum Universal Addressing

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Disk Space

New Installation Upgrade
  • The disk where you are installing Spectrum Technology Platform must have 4 GB of free space to install all modules, less if installing fewer modules.
  • The disk where the temp folder is located must have at least 10 GB of free space for the installation to extract the files it needs. You may need more depending on the options you are installing. If necessary, modify the IATEMPDIR environment variable to point to a location with enough space.
  • Upgrade memory requirement - You must have a minimum of 8GB of RAM to run the upgrade to release 2023.1.
  • The disk where you are installing Spectrum Technology Platform must have free disk space equal to three times the size of your current installation. To determine the size of your current installation, look at the size of the folder where you installed Spectrum Technology Platform.
  • If you are adding modules as part of your upgrade, you will need 3 GB to install all modules, less if installing fewer modules.
  • The disk where the temp folder is located must have 10 GB of free space plus four times the size of your current installation. For example, if your current installation is 5 GB, you would need 30 GB of temp space: (4 x 5 GB) + 10 GB = 30 GB. If necessary, modify the IATEMPDIR environment variable to point to a location with enough space.
Note: If you are installing a module that uses a reference database, such as a postal database, geocoding database, or data normalization tables, you will need space for this data. The total disk space varies, depending on which modules and databases you are installing.


  • Upgrade memory requirement - You must have a minimum of 8GB of RAM available to run the upgrade.
  • Basic memory requirement: 16 GB
  • Data Normalization and Universal Name require additional memory if you use these name databases:
    • Arabic Plus Pack: 5.5 GB
    • Asian Plus Pack - Chinese: 32 MB
    • Asian Plus Pack - Japanese: 1.6 GB
    • Asian Plus Pack - Korean: 8 MB
    • Core Names: 1.1 GB

Java Version

  • Java 11 JDK (64-bit)
Note: To install Java, download the Java ZIP or tar file. It is not recommended to use the MSI file to install Java.

Additional Requirements

  • For Linux systems, a minimum value for file descriptors is required. Review the current Installation Guide for recommended settings. This can be set by running the ulimit command: ulimit –n limitsetting
    Note: Do not set ulimit to unlimited. Doing so may cause issues with system resources and security alerts that will cause the installation to fail.
  • Set the file size limit to 2 GB. To set the file size limit, use the ulimit command: ulimit -f 4194304
  • For CentOS and Ubuntu, you must increase the maximum number of memory map areas. To do this, open the /etc/sysctl.conf file and set vm.max_map_count to 262144. Then, reboot the system. and run sysctl vm.max_map_count to verify that the setting has been updated.

System Requirements for Global Geocoding

  • The Global Geocoding system requirements:
    • minimum: 16 GB RAM, 4 CPU, 100 GB storage
    • recommended 32 GB RAM, 8 CPU, 200 GB storage, sufficient for all datasets.

The amount of RAM will depend on how many users are on the system and how many datasets are loaded.

For the activities using Spark, which are Submit Spark Job and Spark Sorter:
  • Spark 2.0.1 or later