United States — 'S' Precision Code Descriptions - 23.1

Spectrum Global Geocoding Guide

Product type
Product family
Spectrum > Geo Addressing > Global Geocoding
Product name
Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Global Geocoding Guide
First publish date
Last updated
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The following table provides 'S' precision code descriptions for the USA.

Precision Code Description
Street level geocoded candidates return a Precision Code beginning with the letter S. The second character in the code indicates the positional accuracy of the resulting point for the geocoded record.
S8 Single match, point located at either the single point associated with an address point candidate or at an address point candidate that shares the same house number. No interpolation is required.
S7 Single match, located at an interpolated point along a street segment. Both a point/parcel dictionary and a street segment dictionary must be available. Because known point data is available, the S7 interpolation is more accurate than an S5 result.
S6 Single match, point located at point ZIP centroid.
Note: The point ZIP centroid is the ZIPcode location, not a polygon centroid.
S5 Single match, point located at a street address position. Because only street segment data is available, the interpolation is not as accurate as an S7 return.
S4 Single match, point located at a street centroid.
S3 Single match, point located at ZIP + 4®. This is the same quality match as a Z3 result.
S2 Single match, point located at ZIP + 2 centroid. single match, point located at ZIP + 2 centroid. This is the same quality match as a Z2 result.
S1 Single match, point located at ZIP Code centroid. This is the same quality match as a Z1 result.
S0 Single match, however, no coordinates are available (this is a very rare occurrence).
SX Single match, point located at street intersection.
SC Single match where the original point has been moved a specified distance (usually along a perpendicular line) toward or away from the associated street segment. This result code can be returned only when both a point geocoding dataset and a street segment geocoding dataset are available and when the centerline offset feature is used.