The following table lists the fields that are returned by default.
Output Field Name | Description |
MainAddressLine | Candidate address line. |
AddressLastLine | Candidate last address line |
PlaceName | Firm, company, organization, business or building name. |
AreaName1 | State, province or region. |
AreaName2 | County or district. |
AreaName3 | City, town or suburb. |
AreaName4 | Locality |
PostCode1 | Main postal code. |
PostCode2 | Secondary postal code |
Country | Country |
AddressNumber | House or building number. |
StreetName | Street name. |
UnitType | Indicates the unit type (APT, STE, etc.). |
UnitValue | The number of the unit. |
X | Longitude of the candidate |
Y | Latitude of the candidate. |
CoordinateSystemName | Coordinate system name for the candidate. |
FormattedStreetAddress |
The formatted main address line. |
FormattedLocationAddress | The formatted last address line. |
FeatureID | ID for the candidate. |
PrecisionLevel | A code describing the precision of the geocode. One of
the following: 0 No coordinate information is available for this candidate address. 1 Interpolated street address.2 Street segment midpoint. 3 Postal code 1 centroid.4 Partial postal code 2 centroid. 5 Postal code 2 centroid.6 Intersection. 7 Point of interest. (If database contains POI data.)8 State/province centroid. 9 County centroid.10 City centroid. 11 Locality centroid.12-15 Reserved for unspecified custom items. 16 The result is an address point.17 The result was generated by using address point data to modify the candidate's segment data. 18 The result is an address point that was projected using the centerline offset feature. You must have both a point and a street range database to use the centerline offset feature.Note: This field is not returned for USA. For geocode
precision information for USA, see Location Codes.
19 The result is an address point that includes the footprint of the building on the property. |
PrecisionCode | A code describing the precision of the geocode.
The possible match categories are as follows: Z1 Postal match with post code 1 centroid.Z2 Postal match with partial post code 2 centroid. Z3 Postal match with post code 2 centroid.G1 Geographic match with area name 1 centroid. G2 Geographic match with area name 2 centroid.G3 Geographic match with area name 3 centroid. G4 Geographic match with area name 4 centroid.B1 Match to an unvalidated PO Box. Although there is enough B2 Match to a validated PO The matches in the 'S' category indicate that the record was matched to a single address candidate. SX Point located at a street intersection.SC Match point located at the house level that has been projected from the nearest segment. SL India only. A street level match at the sublocality (block or sector) level. An SL result code also requires a match on other geographic input fields (city, district, or state). S0 No coordinates are available, but parts of the address may have matched the source data.S4 The geocode is located at a street centroid S3 The geocode is located at a postal code or a ZIP + 4® centroid. It has the same quality match as a Z3 result. The ZIP + 4® level centroid is only specific to only the USA. S5 The geocode is located at a street address.S7 The geocode is located at a street address that has been interpolated between point house locations. S8 Match point located at the house location.Additional match information is of the format P Street prefix direction. N Street name.T Street type. S Street suffix direction.C City name. Z Post code.A Geocoding dataset. U Custom user dataset.Note: For more detailed information including country-specific meanings and
values, see Result Codes.
Identifier | For street- or point-level candidates, this is usually the segment ID. |
SourceDictionary | Identifies the dictionary that is the source for the candidate information and data. The source dictionary is a 0-based integer value that indicates which configured dictionary the candidate came from. If you only have a single dictionary this will always be "0". |
Point | The candidate's geocode, specified as X (longitude) and Y (latitude) coordinates. |
Status | Reports the success or failure of the match attempt:
Status.Code | If the address could not be processed, this field will indicate
the reason.
Status.Description | If the address could not be processed, this field will provide a
description of the failure.